7/20/2015 10:39:57 AM

Uplifting our city, block by Block

MidCity Property Group has taken on the challenge set out by Tshwane Vision 2055 by further investing and uplifting the inner city of Pretoria. The recent acquisition of two buildings in Sisulu and Johnston Streets shows the group’s commitment to align their goals with that of the city. These new acquisitions add to a steadily growing portfolio of buildings that the group manages under their City Living brand.

“The only way to rejuvenate our city is to bring the people back. As soon as we start living in the city again, our businesses, from the vendor on the street corner to the large chains who maintained their presence in the city will thrive.“ said David de Villiers, Development and Group Marketing Director, “The Tshwane Vision 2055 has exactly this in mind and we as Property Investors and Managers are very excited to see this vision become a reality”.

The drive behind the City Living brand is to provide the consumer with the comfort of a standardised product.  Key focus areas are affordability, cleanliness, safety and locality. Ideally these building must be within walking distance to the residents place of employment or alternatively to a public transport hub. Access to basic services, health, education and entertainment are also high on the priority list. The Group is continually investing in these buildings to ensure that the high standards are maintained and that all services that are essential to the modern city dweller is provided.

The A Re Yeng bus service that has recently become operational has opened up several nodes of investment around the stations in the city. These nodes are becoming more appealing to private sector investors and serve as an example of how the successful implementation of the city’s infrastructure creation strategies can lead to further economic growth and development. It results in a perfect partnership between the public and private sectors. David concluded, “We will continue to uplift and upgrade our city, block by block, to become a Capital City of international standards.”


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