2/25/2015 9:17:12 AM

Kungwini Welfare Organisation’s Lethabong Early Learning Centre

“Donating to charity shouldn’t be a once-off gesture where you wash your hands and walk away,” says MidCity CEO David Hewer, “it is an on-going effort where you build an intimate relationship with the organisation in order to form a long-term sustainable partnership.”

“We recently visited the Kungwini Welfare Organisation’s Lethabong Early Learning Centre where we previously got involved in improving their play area by building a new sandpit. This year we not only refilled the pit (all the sand has been played out), but we also insulated all six of the corrugated iron classrooms, blocking out the 38°C summer sun and the harsh highveld winter cold.”

MidCity is proud to be associated with the Kungwini Welfare Organisation and hope to not only make a difference at Lethabong Early Learning Centre, but to also get involved in more of their vast outreach programs. Kungwini is part of Tyger Valley College’s Outreach Project."

Sanet Pohl, teacher at Kungwini stated “This summer has been particularly hot making it unbearable inside the classes, causing the children to become restless and irritable. After MidCity’s wonderful contribution to our school we are now able to teach and have fun, no matter what the temperature.”

The Kungwini Welfare Organisation’s Lethabong Early Learning Centre caters for 180 preschool children whose parents cannot afford conventional preschool fees. Their teachers are also women in the community who were previously unemployed. They provide on-the-job training and the opportunity to obtain their NQF4 qualification at a teaching college.

MidCity and Kungwini Welfare Organisation shares the belief in the importance of education. As former President Nelson Mandela said "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

MidCity is proud to offer its continuous support to the Kungwini Welfare Organisation in broadening their scope with a new Early Learning Centre to be developed in a neighbouring informal settlement in the year to come.

Related documents -  MidCity - Kungwini PR Final.pdf