11/16/2012 2:32:52 PM

Pretoria: The NAMA, National Association of Managing Agents, Trustee Seminar proved to be a huge success for the MidCity Property Group, both from a marketing perspective as well as for their clients.  The seminar took place at the CSIR on Saturday, 3 November 2012.

Sponsors and managing agents arrived early to prepare for the arrival of the trustees.  Trustees were highly impressed with the whole event.  “This event was a huge success for both MidCity and NAMA.” said Maurice Stone, the Senior Operational Manager from the titles department.

MidCity had an early bird team in place to welcome their trustees to the seminar and spoiled them with a gift as they were registered by representatives of MidCity.   

Koos Croukamp, the Chairman of NAMA Gauteng North and a Director of MidCity welcomed all the trustees to the seminars. The general feeling amongst trustees was that the guest speakers were very informative and that valuable insight was gained by them. The success of this event was summarised by Koos Croukamp on Twitter: “What a day, what a TEAM.” 

“This was yet another successful Seminar hosted by NAMA and greatly supported by the MidCity Property Group.” says Daleen van Dyk, Senior Manager: Support Systems and New Business, MidCity Property Group.

From Left to Right

Back Row:Jean Janse van Rensburg, Maurice Stone, Konrad Beukes, Ruanda Silbermann, Koos Croukamp

Front Row:Niel Bezuidenhout, Lizette Vermeulen, Daleen van Dyk, Isa-mari Jacobs

From Left to Right:

Daleen van Dyk, Eugene Abrahamse, Lizette Vermeulen

The MidCity Registration table with Isa-Marie Jacobs.

From Left to Right:

Heintjie Serfontein, Maurice Stone, Konrad Beukes, Koos Croukamp (MidCity Director), Stephan Roodt, Neil Bezuidenhout




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