1/30/2012 2:11:02 PM

Pretoria – The MidCity Property Group changed their software system to the MDA Property Management System in September 2011.  With a few teething problems in between, this major change is said to be a huge success for both MidCity’s clients and MDA themselves. 

“MidCity’s partnership with MDA proves that MidCity strives for innovation within the market place.  We are offering our clients professional services, strongly supported by integrity and the innovative use of technology, which in turn results in a sustainable holistic service experience. These are our set standards and our promise to our clients depicted in our 4 non-negotiables” said David Hewer, the Managing Director of the MidCity Property Group. 

In return, MDA portrays the same enthusiasm about the MidCity Property Group in this extract to their latest newsletter:

Body Corporate / Sectional Title Management

MDA is the acknowledged leader in top-end commercial, retail and large-scale residential property management. Early in 2011 it made the strategic decision to actively pursue the top-end body corporate managers.

It has been fortunate to secure the business of the MidCity Property Group in Pretoria. MidCity manages a diverse portfolio of properties, including more than 300 bodies corporate and almost 20,000 units. MDA converted data, trained staff and got them live within a tight 3 month period. Key considerations were the automation of manual processes, integrated financial reporting for bodies corporate, automation of fees in terms of the Debt Collectors Act and publishing information to its marketing-leading web portal.

“We are proud to be associated with MDA and I am confident that we will have a long lasting business relationship.” stated Mr Hewer. 

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