
At 6am on 12 September 2009, the MidCity Team started preparations for the big event to follow.  NAMA, National Association of Managing Agents, organizes a seminar once a year for all trustees from different managing agents to increase their knowledge on the industry as well as the job at hand.  This year, it was held at the CSIR Convention Centre in Pretoria, Gauteng. The MidCity Sectional and Full Titles Division took part in this exciting event.  The MidCity team took the initiative to incorporate most aspects of branding and camaraderie to welcome their trustees with dedication and knowledge.   Their trustees took a liking to this and commented that they felt proud to be associated with MidCity.

As dawn broke on Saturday, the MidCity team was ready to take on the very important day that lay ahead.  Careful planning and great initiative from everyone in the team lead to the success of the day.  The MidCity delivery cars as well as the well renowned MidCity Citroёn Light 15 dating back to 1947 model was parked out on the lawn right in front of the CSIR Convention Centre Entrance.  This exposed MidCity first hand to all trustees who attended the seminar
The dedicated team from MidCity made sure it was an effortless experience for the trustees as they registered for the seminar.  Each trustee was rewarded with a special gift from MidCity. It consisted of a branded MidCity mug, mints and a branded pen, in a green gift bag.  During the registration, the MidCity team mingled and entertained their trustees with knowledgeable information about the seminar and related topics. 

The day progressed with the seminar starting at 8:30am up until 13:30pm.  The trustees were well looked after the whole day by the MidCity team and did not have to flinch twice wondering where to go or what to do.  It is safe to say that the MidCity team deserved to celebrate their success and to have made an immense impression on future MidCity trustees.


‘Have more than just a cup of the MidCity Experience…..Guaranteed!”
 MidCity Sectional and Full Titles Team

Author: Monika Raath
MidCity Corporate Marketing & Public Relations Officer 

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